Hello and thank you for visiting my
blog today. I am Rebecca Scarberry (Scarberryfields on Twitter. My next
interview is with a very interesting and talented author. His name is Reb
MacRath. You are all going to really enjoy this, trust me!
Scarberryfields: Can you tell us a little about your nationality?
Reb: For
me, that's the trickiest question. And
it's one that taps into the heart of everything I've written, so I'll give it
my best shot. I'm an American, twice
over. I've written about this experience
at length in my next ebook, Nobility. To summarize:
I was born in Buffalo, NY but renounced my citizenship in Toronto,
Ontario. Though I'd planned to become a
Canadian, I never did...and drifted as a stateless person for the next seven years. Realizing what I'd done in 1976, I began a
long legal battle to return to the States.
I was granted a Green Card in 1979...remaining stateless for another
half-decade, until I formally re-became an American citizen. By that time I'd been 'Nothing' for nearly a
third of my life. The price was high,
but worth it because I'd learned a wonderful lesson: Before, I'd been haunted by the sense of
arbitrariness. I had had nothing to do with my having been born in this
country, but I'd come back knowing I was one in my blood and in my bones.
Scarberryfields: Can you tell us about your ancestry?
Reb: Born
Irish. But, once again, I'd had nothing
to say about that. Scotland has always
called to me. And twenty years ago, when
I first started to write a thriller called Southern
Scotch, I identified so strongly with the hero that I adapted Scotland as
my spiritual source.
Scarberryfields: Please tell us about everything you have written
(published and unpublished).
Reb: I had a long apprenticeship. In Canada I developed a successful freelance
practice, writing book reviews and personality profiles for the Toronto Star,
the Toronto Sun and various literary 'zines.
The highpoint was a 13-part series sold to the Toronto Star about
quitting smoking, which went on to appear in all major Canadian papers. This background proved to be useless when I
returned to the States. And it would be
another eight years before I published my first novel, The Suiting, with Tor. That
was in 1988. Tor also published Makoto
in 1990. Though I'd always wanted to
write mysteries, I found myself firmly locked in the horror genre. When Tor passed on my next book option, I
moved on to Dell, which published Mastery
and Angel Kiss, in 1991 and
1993. And then began my long stretch in
The Desert.
Scarberryfields: What
Reb: Changes in the industry, decline of the horror genre, and a
disastrous change in agents...I think I'll spare y'all the details for now. I
only thought I was alone. Nearly all the
bright stars then went under as well. Midlist Monsters like myself.
Scarberryfields: Once you finish writing a poem or fiction, do you miss the
characters you’ve written about?
Reb: Yes. I miss Boss
MacTavin, the hero of Southern Scotch,
terribly. The sequel's already
completed. So we'll have a groovy
reunion when I get to revise and proof it.
But then we'll be apart a while. I've been so busy e-pubbing my Desert books, I haven't started Boss 3.
Scarberryfields: While writing, if you need help with punctuation,
grammar, etc., where do you turn?
Reb: The long apprenticeship I mentioned gave me a solid
foundation, I think. Plus, I went on to
work with some world-class editors at both Dell and Tor. I still have my old copy of The Chicago
Manual of Style and find Google a trustworthy guide for fundamental
matters. Finally, I trust my ears and
eyes: 'Between you and I?' Noooooo, no more than we'd say 'Between you and
we'. Etc.
Scarberryfields: With the number of hours spent writing, do family members
support you or complain about the time spent away from them?
Reb: I live alone these days. For a long while I saw that as a
curse, but now it's a blessing and a matter of choice. I chose an unusual job to give me time to
write in sustained stretches, something I'd never been able to do. Basically, I work third shift: 7 nights on,
then a full week off. I tell young
ladies, whom I meet to think of me as a sort of grounded airline pilot: I'm a lot of fun when I'm around...but my
hours are irregular.
Scarberryfields: Does writing benefit you in any way and if so, how?
Reb: Where else could I get to star in my own home movies,
saving whole worlds that I've wrecked in real life? The pay's nothing to brag about so far, but I
enjoy top billing.
Scarberryfields: When you are writing, do you shut-off all social
Reb: So far, I haven't had to. Then again, I'm rewriting and
proofing a series of books, I labored on for years. Ask me again next year, when I begin Boss 3!
Scarberryfields: Did you use any family members as Beta readers for your
debut novel?
Reb: No.
But over the years I've come to appreciate the importance -no, the necessity of
having a core of these readers. The
great trick is to find a group that's supportive and loyal, yet also fearlessly
Scarberryfields: Do you read ebooks? If you do, and write reviews, do you
have any special process you use to write a review?
Reb: I
bought a Kindle reader recently and am putting it to good use. There's some amazing ebook talent out there
and part of my job, I believe, is keeping current with my field. I've just started writing reviews on my
readings. As a matter of fact, the
Kindle reader assists me in the process, since I enter my notes as I go and
highlight passages I like.
Scarberryfields: What is the last book called that you completed and
published? Also, where can we find this book?
Reb: I've provided the particulars above for my four trad-pubbed
books (under the name Kelley Wilde).
These are all out of print, but most can be found on Amazon.
Scarberryfields: Where can readers go to find your new books?
Reb: From now through 2013, I'll publish all of my Desert Storm books written since Angel Kiss in 1993—as ebooks on Amazon
Kindle. These will all be updated,
revised and in keeping with my present standards. Readers can find The Vanishing Magic of Snow and Southern
Scotch on Amazon. By the end of July, Nobility
will join the front line of my siege.
Next year, joining the new books, will be a 25th Anniversary edition of
my first book, The Suiting. If the interest is there, I may revise and
reissue the other 3 Kelley Wilde books.
Scarberryfields: What makes a novel a Reb MacRath book?
Reb: My books are all thrillers, but in their own way. I'm sick of books I can't put down. Anyone
can write one with a half-dozen hooks and some narrative glue. I offer books
you can, will and must put down repeatedly in order to gather a tan in the sun
of their style or savor a tryst with a foxy young phrase.
Scarberryfields: Say, Reb, just one last question...How old are
you, anyway?
Reb: Oh, that's on a Need to No basis. :)
There was some good advice in that interview.
ReplyDeleteHey Rebecca, loved the interview. Wow, he has certainly been around eh? He's persistent too, I like that. I recently wrote an article on my blog about accepting criticism and learning from it, acceptance and perserverance is all about maintaining a positive attitude and not simply giving up. I too have that same relationship as Reb, in that once I've finished a book I miss the characters I've created (countless hours spent building their profiles)it's stupid I know, but I find I wonder what they would/could be doing now. I have heaps of unpublished manuscripts that I keep adding to, but the one I did publish I left an opening for a continuation as I finished with "The End" "or is it? Reb MacRath's books certainly seem to be something I need to add to my ever growing list. So glad I read your interview with Reb, kool. Thanks Rick Canhan.