Hello. I am Rebecca Scarberry,
Scarberryfields on Twitter. I have interviewed author, Anne Allen. She has
answered my questions truthfully and with the British humor, I love. Here is a
little about her before you read her answers:
Anne Allen lives in Devon, by her beloved sea. She has three
children and her daughter and two grandchildren live nearby. She was born in
Rugby, to an English mother and Welsh father. As a result she spent many
summers with her Welsh grandparents in Anglesey and learnt to love the sea. Her restless spirit has meant a number of
moves which included Spain for a couple of years. The longest stay was in
Guernsey for nearly fourteen years after falling in love with the island and
the people. She contrived to leave one son behind to ensure a valid reason for
frequent returns.
By profession Anne is a
psychotherapist but has long had creative ‘itches’, learning to mosaic, paint furniture, interior design and sculpt.
At the back of her mind the itch to write was always present but seemed too
time-consuming for a single mum with a need to earn a living.
Now the nest is empty there’s more time to
write and a second novel is gestating, but novels take a lot longer than children to be born!
Can you tell us a little about your nationality/ancestry?
Anne: I’m
British, with an English mother and a Welsh father. A typical Brit mongrel! I was born in Rugby, the home of Rugby
football, but have moved around a lot. I love the sea and have followed it
whenever possible, spending nearly 14 years in Guernsey and a couple of years
in Spain. I’m now settled in Devon in a little seaside town near my daughter
and grandchildren.
Do you think you will ever move to another country and how many languages do
you speak?
Anne: I
loved living in Spain and in an ideal world (ie if I had the money!) I’d like
to have a home in sunnier, warmer climes where I could escape to during our
English winters. Mind you, the way our summer’s been this year, I’d happily go
I only speak English like a native with only a smattering of French and
When you finished your debut novel, did you miss writing?
Anne: No,
as I went on to start my second, Finding Mother. It’s still very much a work in
progress but I hope to complete it by next year. My book, Dangerous Waters can be found here: http://www.dangerouswaters.co.uk http://t.co/JG7cMcg http://t.co/d5k3YxA and http://t.co/HckRq2V .
While writing, if you need help with punctuation, grammar, etc., where do you
Anne: My
grammar’s pretty good but –and this’ll make you laugh! – my ex helped with the
editing as his grammar is even better than mine. It was all done by email so we
didn’t have to do face to faceJ
Does writing benefit you in any way and if so, how?
Anne: I
guess it helps me to express myself in a way that’s unique. Who wouldn’t enjoy making up stories and
getting under the skin of imaginary characters? I think it’s helped me to
understand myself a lot more and writing Dangerous Waters was very cathartic.
There was quite a lot of me in that book!
When you’re writing, do you shut-off all social networks?
Anne: Yes
– it’s impossible otherwise. I actually write in longhand initially so I can do
that away from my desk – ideally outside when it’s warm. This takes me away
from the PC and twitter etc which is good. Then I type up a chapter or two at a
time which is when it’s harder not to look at what’s happening!
Did you use any family members as Beta readers for your debut novel?
Anne: Yes,
I started with my mother and a couple of friends so had different generations
as readers. You just have to be aware that their opinions might be ever so
slightly biasedJ
Have you completed any other works?
Anne: No.
Finding Mother, my second novel, is the only other work I’ve written.
Scarberryfields: Anne, thank you so much for answering my questions. I
have enjoyed learning more about you. As all my UK friends know on Twitter, I
love the British. I love your sense of humor and it’s such a pleasure knowing
you. Your fans will be delighted to read your answers here.
Family are the best for first beta readers because their bias can help you get through any bad mojo that comes after :-) Great interview!