Can you tell us a little about your nationality?
Sandra: I’m
Canadian. My ancestors emigrated here from Italy many generations ago. Nikolai
is my married name.
When you finish your novels, do you miss the characters?
Sandra: I
won’t have time to miss the main characters in my mystery novel, False Impressions. Megan Scott and
Michael Elliott are coming along with me as I write the next book in the series,
Fatal Whispers.
While writing, if you need help with punctuation, grammar, etc., where do you
I worked as a copyeditor for more than fifteen years, so I’m familiar with that
aspect of the business. I have access to various dictionaries and style guides
if I need to look something up, but nothing beats a second pair of eyes. After
I complete a manuscript, I send it to a critique group for review and then to a
professional editor as a final step before publication. I want to make sure my
readers get the best product for their money.
With the number of hours spent writing, do family members support you or
complain about the time spent away from them?
It was tough at first, but I’ve learned to balance things out and now spend more
time with my family and friends, especially on the weekend. They support my
writing and enjoy my stories, and that means a lot to me.
When you’re writing, do you shut-off all social networks?
Yes—it’s too tempting otherwise! I take short breaks from my writing for social
networking three or four times a day. I work in a quiet room with no music, TV,
or other diversions. I need to hear myself think.
Did you use any family members as Beta readers for your debut novel?
Oh no, that would be asking for trouble! I use a critique group of writers who
are familiar with the mystery genre. I critique their work as well, so it’s a
fair exchange.
What do you do when you aren’t writing? Do you have any hobbies or a job?
Sandra: I
retired early from the workplace but treat my writing as a full-time job. Considering
the time I devote to my books, my blog, promotional activities, and so on,
there never seem to be enough hours in the day left for much else. As far as hobbies
go, I love to read, take long walks, listen to music, watch movies, and bake.
Oh…and shop, of course!
What is the most rewarding part about being a writer for you?
I spent many years learning the trade, so seeing my book published is a reward
in itself. Recognition from readers makes it extra sweet, as does a nod from my
writer peers. I’m happy just to have the chance to do something I love.
Please tell us all about the last thing you wrote.
My new release is False Impressions,
a tale of betrayal and revenge. Here’s a blurb:
ghostwriter Megan Scott falls under police suspicion when her husband and a
female friend are found murdered. In what a Québec detective calls a crime of
passion, startling evidence surfaces to implicate Michael Elliott, a young
investigative reporter who’d rather rub elbows with scumbags than live the posh
lifestyle he inherited.
Clutched out of her comfort zone, Megan is flung into Michael’s
dark world of criminal investigation. As they make a last-ditch attempt to
prove their innocence, an elusive enemy closes in and threatens their lives. Who wants them out of the way and why?
only path to freedom is to catch the twisted killer before they become the next
victims. But not knowing who to trust or where to
turn can have consequences that are just as lethal…
Scarberryfields: Where can
everybody find your books?
Sandra: False Impressions is available at
It will also be available in paperback soon.
Scarberryfields: How can readers
contact you?
Thank you for interviewing me, Becky.
Scarberryfields: It was a pleasure getting to know you better.
Thank you so much for taking time out from your busy schedule to answer my
questions. I wish you the best with your writing.
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