Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Hello, thank you all for visiting my blog today. I'm Rebecca Scarberry (@Scarberryfields on Twitter). I'm also the self-published author of Messages from Henry, Rag Doll, Jumper, and The Prince of Pigeons. I have interviewed a very interesting author, Vincezno Bilof (@VincenzoAuthor on Twitter). It's been such a pleasure getting to know him better. I'm certain you'll feel the same. Enjoy!

Scarberryfields: When did you first start writing fiction?

Vincenzo Bilof: I started writing fiction in elementary school. I think that’s where it starts for most people, realistically, but it was something I was encouraged to do. My first poem was published in 2003, and I began selling short stories to SNM Magazine in 2011. In 2012, I released Nightmare of the Dead with Severed Press.

Scarberryfields: When you finish writing and editing a book, do you miss the characters?

Vincenzo Bilof: I don’t miss them, but if a character died, I still feel my heart race when I read their death scene, no matter how many times I’ve read the passage. Character deaths are typically unexpected, even for me, because I allow the characters to dictate the story. I always wonder if there was a way to save them.

Scarberryfields: Have you ever collaborated on any of your books? If so, what was it like?

Vincenzo Bilof: I’m hoping to start collaborating with William Cook on a project in the near future. I feel like my novel Queen of the Dead was a collaboration between myself and readers; I listened to what they had to say about the first book, Necropolis Now. I take critical feedback into consideration, because that series is designed to entertain and tell a story people will enjoy. The Zombie Ascension series is for readers who enjoy zombie literature, and because it’s for them, it was important to hear what they had to say.

Scarberryfields: Do you read ebooks and write reviews for the ones you enjoyed?

Vincenzo Bilof: I can read anything. I don’t always get to leave reviews, especially when it comes to a more popular author; I feel like those authors don’t need my help to sell books. When I do reviews, I take into account that other readers may find something enjoyable about the story, even if it wasn’t necessarily for me. I think a critical review explains why the book would appeal to a certain audience; reviews are not supposed to be love letters to authors, nor should they be designed to insult an author. Nobody benefits from reviews that are insulting.

Scarberryfields: Does writing benefit you in any way and if so, how?

Vincenzo Bilof: Indeed! I write because I can, and because it’s fun! There really isn’t anything I’d rather do in my free time, besides play with my two daughters. Writing is an exploratory exercise, a way to challenge yourself to see what your mind can create. I’m often surprised at the glimmers of intelligence that dare to show themselves when I write something down.

Scarberryfields: Are any of your books traditionally published? If so, which one?

Vincenzo Bilof: I haven’t self-published any work, but I think the idea of a “traditionally” published work is different than what it meant in the past. With the emergence of so many small presses, these publishers offer a service at the cost of an author’s willingness to represent the brand. Professional editing, cover design, and formatting aren’t cheap. Most authors are used to marketing themselves, so I believe there are benefits to working with a brand, and there are benefits to working on your own. When I think of a traditional publisher, I think of one of the bigger companies, like Random House.
I’ve worked with Severed Press and Bizarro Pulp Press, and I’m currently working with Dynatox Ministries.

Scarberryfields: Do you write full-time or do you have another job too?

Vincenzo Bilof: Writing is a fun activity, but I have no desire to accumulate vast amounts of wealth and live in a glorious mansion. I have the greatest job in the world right now; writing and money can’t possibly fill the void that would be left in my life if I wasn’t an educator.

Scarberryfields: What is the last book called that you completed and published?

Vincenzo Bilof: Queen of the Dead, the sequel to Necropolis Now, was released in August, 2013. In the same month, I released a novel that is written as a series of poems called, The Horror Show, and July saw the releases of Gravity Comics Massacre, which is a bizarro title. I mention all three because it was sort of a busy summer…

Scarberryfields: Where can readers go to find your books?  

Vincenzo Bilof: I’m on Amazon! Amazon can be a bit confusing, however, since I’ve also been published in several anthologies. My blog features all the links that take you directly to specific novels.



From Detroit, Michigan, Vincenzo Bilof is the recipient of SNM Horror Magazine's Literary Achievement award in 2011. A member of the Horror Writers Association, Vincenzo is the author of The Zombie Ascension series and “Nightmare of the Dead”. His latest book happens to include aliens; “Gravity Comics Massacre”, available from Bizarro Pulp Press. A novel written as a collection of poems, “The Horror Show” is another one of his nonsensical works.

When he's not chasing his kids around the house or watching bad horror films, he reads and reviews horror fiction, though his tastes are more literary. He likes to think Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, and Charles Baudelaire would be proud of his work. It’s possible the ghosts of Roberto Bolano and Syd Barrett are playing chess at his dining table. Forthcoming projects include “Japanese Werewolf Apocalypse”, and “Vampire Strippers from Saturn”. When he’s not writing awful biographies in third person, he works as an editor for Bizarro Pulp Press. You can check out his blog here: Gonzo is his favorite Muppet.