Monday, November 26, 2012

Hello. I'm Rebecca Scarberry (Scarberryfields on Twitter and author of free novella, MESSAGES FROM HENRY. I have interviewed another author. Her name is Shandi Littlefield (@evils_war on Twitter). I've enjoyed learning more about Shandi and certain you will also.

Scarberryfields: Can you please tell us a little about your nationality?
Shandi Littlefield: I’m a thirty-one-year-old mother of three beautiful children and married to a wonderful man that supports me in everything I do. I was born and raised in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky.
Scarberryfields: When you finish writing a story, do you miss the characters?
Shandi Littlefield: Yes and no. I have only finished one book, and I am still working on the second one. Now, when I finish with the second one, I’ll probably miss a few of them. After a while, they do seem to grow on you.
Scarberryfields: While writing, if you need help with punctuation, grammar, etcetera, where do you turn?
Shandi Littlefield: Spell check on the computer is awesome for me. And then I have a dictionary on my phone that helps me out a lot. If those don’t work, I have two best friends that are teachers that help me.
Scarberryfields: With the number of hours spent writing, do family members support you or complain about the time spent away from them?
Shandi Littlefield: In the beginning, my husband fussed a lot about me writing. He didn’t know what my plans were going to be in the end. After I finally finished and published Evils War, all of my family has been nothing but supportive.
Scarberryfields: Do you travel to places you mention in your stories for research sake?
Shandi Littlefield: Yes. In my story, all of the places mentioned are here in my hometown. I have been known to sit in my truck for hours, on the side of the street in town, with my notebook and picture the story unfold.
Scarberryfields: When you’re writing, do you shut-off all social networks?
Shandi Littlefield: No not really. With me, and my so-called brain farts, I can only write for a certain amount of time. I wish I was able to shut everything in the world off and focus only on my writing, but that just doesn’t happen. LOL
Scarberryfields: Did you use any family members as Beta readers for your stories?
Shandi Littlefield: I started to let my husband read what I was writing in the beginning, until he started questioning everything little thing. Now, I have two of my best friends proofread and help me edit all of my work.
Scarberryfields: Do you feel social networking as a marketing tool, is beneficial?
Shandi Littlefield: Yes it is. I wasn’t able to get a big publisher to promote my book for me, so social networking is awesome for me. It’s the only way I can spread the word about my work.
Scarberryfields: What is the last book called that you completed and published?
Shandi Littlefield: Well, so far I have only completed and published one book, Evils War. I am in the process of working on my second book. This one will finish off the Evils War story.
Scarberryfields: Where can readers go to find your books?   
Shandi Littlefield: You can find Evils War on Amazon in Kindle right now. You will see two copies of the book form on Amazon. The $12.99 book was made for my grandparents. They can’t read small print very well, so I made a massive print just for them, but I couldn’t take it off because a lot of other people like it because it is easy to read. The normal copy is $15.99 and the kindle is $9.99.  I’m hoping to have it on other ebook sites soon.

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